Wednesday 11 June 2014

A little more info about the demo

Hello all
The team at ‘LifeCycle: The Underneath’ has a few new things to share with you.  Firstly we have a small game play demo which can be found here:
The demo covers the first 4 screens of the game where the creature hatches and starts its big adventure.  There’s a bit of combat with other creatures, a minor boss creature fight and a little of the mission structure on show.  We are interested in getting as much feedback on the overall experience of the game as possible.  Comments can be left on this blog site or at my own google plus page:
We also have some new concept art to show.  It’s from the time when we first decided to change from a platform game to top down view.

The Crabs of the Mogolynth Slicers are a varied multi-limbed bunch.  They are not enemies and are not affiliated with any faction.  They will, if asked nicely or brought a gift perform tasks for you.  The tasks they perform range in nature from slicing things to opening new paths.  Most cannot move due to the unusual size of their claws.

These are some of the early Centipedes designs.  The Centipedes are mostly ignorant of everything else but if provoked they will chase you down and eat your remains.

This is the original designs for the main creature before I realised that animating 6 legs is way harder than animating 4.  It doesn't show the creatures progressive changes throughout the game though as that would be a bit of a spoiler.

These are some early wall designs.  The idea was implemented in the demo.

One of the reasons we decided to go to the top down view was because we felt that we could cram more flare into the cave system layout.  The light part represents the traversal sections.


Wednesday 4 June 2014

The wait is over

That's right kids the wait is over! The game demo for 'LifeCycle' is available TODAY! Woo!

Please leave comments and let us know what you think! <---- Play here! (No download required)


Beth and Pete (Impossible 8th fold team)